To run, just type "borg", default res. is 640x480, borg -w 800 : 800x600 borg -w 1024 : 1024x768 You will have to supply the following textures: cube1.ppm cube2.ppm cube3.ppm cube4.ppm These textures can either be TGA or PPM format, but the filename must match the above. These 4 textures are mapped to the borg cube. You can specify your own texture files using the command line, the default textures would be specified as follows: borg p06.tga p01.tga p24.tga cube1.ppm cube2.ppm cube3.ppm cube4.ppm \ lights.ppm spot1.ppm envmatt.ppm Textures are searched for using the PATH_IMAGE environment variable, which is a semicolon separated list of directories. The current directory is always implicitly the first directory in the search path. Borg controls: a - decrease ambient light A - increase ambient light b - point sampled textures B - bilinear filtered textures e - turn off background E - turn on background x - zoom in one notch, kill all zoom velocity z - zoom out one notch, kill all zoom velocity X - increase zoom-in velocity Z - increase zoom-out velocity 0 - remove all textures 1 - toggle ship texture 1 2 - toggle ship texture 2 3 - toggle ship texture 3 4 - toggle ship texture 4 5 - toggle glow/light texture 1 6 - toggle glow/light texture 2 7 - toggle projected spotlight texture 8 - toggle environment/reflection map texture space - freeze/unfreeze rotations, kill all zoom velocity ESC - quit NOTE: you may have to move ctl3d32.dll to the system DLL directory NOTE: If your you your screen fails to switch to the glide window, try pressing CTRL F9 to toggle the pass thru.